Friday, February 19, 2010

Francis Lucille on Control by the limited I

Question: Dear Francis, Why does Presence choose "to temporarily ignore itself by playing the game of ignorance"? Do we really have no control over anything?

Francis Lucille responds,
The separate "I" who has allegedly control over over our thoughts and over our actions is an imagined entity devoid of any real existence. A few moments of introspection should suffice to get you convinced of the fact that this limited "I" doesn't control your thoughts because, if this were true, it could conveniently choose to have only happy, beautiful thoughts. That leaves open the question "In this case what am I, for I know I am?" The only satisfactory answer to this question, at least at the intellectual level, is that this "awaring I" must be universal. No matter how strange it may seem at first sight, as we reflect upon this, it becomes gradually clear that the reality that creates our thoughts, moves them and is aware of them and the reality that creates and moves this universe are the same reality. This understanding in turn brings about a shift in our existential experience. As individuals, we don't live, we are lived. As this Presence, we are Life itself. Do we really have control over anything? NO and YES

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